A Lesson in Body Language

Aug 21, 2024

They say body language speaks volumes & it definitely does - but to who? 

In this video, the pitcher comes off as a terrible teammate. Our bird ' s-eye view of the situation tells us that this guy must not be liked by his team and must be a jerk. Is that the reality? Maybe. Maybe not. But our first impression of him isn't great, and first impressions are hard to change. 

But think about how his body language also impacts his own mentality. Take a second to answer this question: What thoughts are going through the pitcher's head in the aftermath of this play? 

Probably a combination of the following: 

  • "I can't catch a break." 
  • "How did he miss that?" 
  • "I'm totally screwed now."

In short, bad body language breeds negativity and excuses, which breed further bad results. So yes, while your body language can have a serious impact on others' views of you as a person, it also has a very real impact on how you view yourself and your situation. 


Next time something doesn't go your way - a bad call, an error, a teammate making a mistake - don't allow your emotions to show on the outside for too long. You can drop your head in disappointment but then pick it up, clap your glove, and tell the guy who made the error: "Don't worry about it, let's go - next pitch." 

This mindset will motivate your team to play harder for you, but it will also stop negative thoughts and doubts from creeping in. On the inside, a storm can be brewing, but the more your body shows calm and confidence, the more the others will believe it, but more importantly, the more YOU will believe it. 

  • Head Up 
  • Shoulders Back 
  • Back to Work 
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