Leftfield Positioning Tips

Jul 11, 2024

• LHH: Angle your body to the line. Think about the batter hitting an opposite-field flare down the line. Most lefty hitters don't have the ability to hit a hard oppo gap shot. The contact hit your way in left is often soft, and tailing off the end of the bat. 

• RHH: Angle your body to the gap. Think about the batter hitting a hard pull-side gap shot. If the batter does rope one down the line, chances are it will be hit too hard for you to get there anyway, so "cheating" into the gap will yield a higher chance of you getting an out. 


Expecting the most likely outcome with your body & mind will take away more hits than you give up. Think aggressively before the ball is thrown & be confident enough in your reactions and speed to be able to track down any ball hit your way. There's a big difference between "I'm going to take away a base hit." vs. "I have to stop the ball getting by me." 

Both statements are true, but playing passively won't get you very far in this game. Those that are willing to play aggressively and fly around the field are the guys coaches want out there. 

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