The Power of the Present

Aug 16, 2024

Mental toughness is not a genetic trait, but a skill that is practiced through repeated trial and error. In other words, failure toughens the mind. 

This is yet another reason not to get stressed out or consumed by the avoidance of failure but rather to embrace failure for what it is - a learning opportunity. 

Djokovic also makes a phenomenal point when he says that the difference between good players and great players isn't that they never think negatively; they do - all the time. The difference is that they don't stay in those negative states for very long. They move on to the next play. 

  • Focusing on the past stresses you out. 
  • Focusing on the future gives you anxiety. 
  • Focusing on the present keeps you calm. 

So how can we stay present? The first step is to understand that no matter how hard you try you can't change the past. That 1-0 cookie you missed is over and done with. All you can control is the next pitch. To piece everything from this module together, you stay in the present by staying consistent with your approach and routine. 


You miss an 1-0 middle-middle fastball. You get pissed, you tell yourself how much you suck - how easy that pitch was to crush. What do you do next? 

The great reset button is to take your deep breath & visualize hitting the next pitch. Breathe, visualize, and finally, tell yourself something positive. 

  • "Ok, back to work." 
  • "So what? Let's crush the one." 
  • "I'm all over this guy." 
  • "This guy has no chance against me." 
  • "I'm still the best. Let's show him right here."

This three-step approach is the key to staying present, by absorbing your mind in the current moment. 

It's ok to get mad, to yell at yourself, to show a little frustration, but it's not ok to take that emotion into the next pitch. Your job is to be calm & focused when you step into the box, or onto the rubber - only then will you perform at your peak. 

Finally, take pride in being the calmest & coolest guy on the field. Composure is maturity & mature athletes standout. Judge your success by how well you kept your mind and emotions in check. 

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