Gear & Equipment Ideas for the 25' Season
Feb 05, 2025
By: Mike Castellani - Head Coach of St. George's School (RI)
Hitting Tools:
Pitching Tools:
Defense Tools:
Strength Tools:
Optional Items
Total: $2,013
Product Descriptions:
- Hitting Nets
- High quality. We use them for both practice tee work and pitching drills.
- Tanner Tees
- Very high quality tee that will last many seasons.
- Lightning Bolt
- Great alternative to front toss, that works on bat-to-balls skills & timing. Big fan of this tool. I set it up in the outfield during BP and hitters can get extra work with it.
- Power Swing Bat
- I’m a big fan of resistance training. This is a great tool to help hitters activate their core before they step in the box for BP. Highly recommended.
- Half Bat Trainer
- Great tool for teaching proper bat path & flush contact. Very simple to use without a ton of oversight. High quality and used everyday off the tee.
- Sweet Spot Pro
- Used in tandem with the Lightning Bolt. Amazing tool for hand eye coordination (bat-to-ball skills). Used with foam and tennis balls.
- Foam Balls
- Needed for both the bats above.
- Resistance Belt
- Great tool for teaching pitchers to use their legs more when they throw. Can be used in multiple different directions to work on different mechanical elements.
- Jaeger Bands
- Best way for a pitcher to warm up his arm and prevent injury.
- CleanFuego
- Fun tool for improving spin efficiency on fastballs. Another great self-trainer (like the Half Bat) that allows my pitchers to make real time adjustments.
- Pocket Radar
- Cheapest option for velo tracking. Very accurate as well.
- SKLZ Rebounder
- Infielders use these daily to warm up their hands and eyes. Easy to set up and understand. Increases the number of daily reps each guy can get.
- Power Alley Lite
- I use this for ground balls and fly balls, not hitting. I set up one of my managers or pitchers and they fire accurate BGs. Higher quality reps.
- Reaction Balls
- Pregame tool to help my fielders wake up and expect bad hops.
- 2lb Medball
- Top hand drill for hitters to work on rotational force generation.
- Rope Med Ball
- Rotational force trainer for both pitchers and hitters.
- Jr Hack Attack
- Best machine on the market. Gamechanger for programs.